Our Story

It all began in March of 2020. I knew that I wanted to send masks out to a long list of family, friends, and co-workers because if there was a way that I could help protect them… I intended to make it happen. I started spending all my spare time mask making.

That May I discovered a way to help a local business that was struggling to stay in business due to the pandemic. I didn’t hesitate to ask the local business owner if I could partner with them to help boost their sales. I provided and sold masks for an extremely low discounted rate while also providing customers with a $5 gift card to this local business. This effort would promote awareness of this family-owned local business and boost sales for their shop.

I continue to work with local and small businesses. This project to help others has grown into a passion and lilmiss now offers new products handcrafted with the same care and quality as lilmiss face masks.

lilmiss style will make you smile